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etap 4

With the participation of undergraduate students from twelve different disciplines, Yaklaş Nişantepe Collective Thinking Workshops were organized under four main topics (garbage, flower, food, children) determined during the Nişantepe walks. With these workshops, it was aimed for the mixed disciplinary teams to discuss  the Nişantepe District with all its layers and to experience the collective thought systematics.


The workshops attended by students from twelve different departments, various administrative staff and academicians were facilitated by the Sustainability Platform employees and Özyeğin University faculty members.The workshops started with the opening speech of Özlem Bahadır and Okan Pala from the Sustainability Platform, in which they mentioned the previous stages of the Yaklaş Nişantepe process and the importance of collective thought awareness. In the first session of the workshops that was held in two sessions, in-group discussion topics were determined and the idea generation process started. In the second session, these ideas were presented and information exchange took place within the group. At the end of the day, two speakers were selected from each workshop, and these speakers came to the podium one by one and conveyed their ideas to the audience.


Frequently Asked Questions _ Collective Thinking Workshops


Workshop applications are open to everyone from all disciplines.4 different workshops will be held with 12 participants and 48 people in total.


  • Why collective thinking workshops?

Studies on solving multi-layered problems require a collective and layered work from different disciplines. We will discuss the Nişantepe District, which we started to get to know more closely after the walks, within the framework of problems, responsibilities and possibilities.


  • Why these four titles?

During the Talks and Walks, which were the previous stages of the Yaklaş_Nişantepe project,  the prominent themes of horses, flowers, children and garbage were observed and discussed so these topics were chosen as the workshop themes.



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Çöp Atölyesi Kolaylaştırıcıları:

Hikmet Taşdemir | HSE

Ebru Tekin Bilbil | Uygulamalı Bilimler Yüksekokulu

Özlem Bahadır Karaoğlu  | Sürdürülebilirlik Platformu

Doğa Çakmakçı | Sürdürülebilirlik Platformu


Çiçek Atölyesi Kolaylaştırıcıları:


Okan Pala | Sürdürülebilirlik Platformu

Damla Durak Uşar | Sürdürülebilirlik Platformu

Ceyda Nur Tahan  | Sürdürülebilirlik Platformu

Gülbahar Coşkun | OpenFAB


Çocuk Atölyesi Kolaylaştırıcıları


Nevşet Gül Çanakçıoğlu | Mimarlık ve Tasarım Fakültesi

Pelin Günay | Tasarım, Teknoloji ve Toplum Doktora

Barış Çakmakçı  | Sürdürülebilirlik Platformu


Gıda Atölyesi Kolaylaştırıcıları

Candan Türkkan | Uygulamalı Bilimler Yüksekokulu

Murat Bayramoğlu | Sürdürülebilirlik Platformu

Ercan Mutlu | Mimar, ÖzÜ Mezunlar Derneği

Sena Özgürcan | Sürdürülebilirlik Platformu

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