art in the anthropocene epoch
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Why art?
In the Anthropocene Epoch, in which man has irreparably influenced the world system, it is important that we evaluate the transformative impact of art on individuals and societies from a different perspective. Because art is beyond the data, statistics and reports that we come across all the time; While making visible the emotions and contradictions underlying the complex problems we face, it can create an environment conducive to change by facilitating empathy and touching people's hearts, minds and imaginations.
How and where were the exhibition works chosen?
The works chosen from Özyeğin University's Uni-Art collection, which consists mostly of works by young artists, were selected considering their power to initiate a deeper and more comprehensive discussion. By including different types of media, it was aimed to provide an environment for different perspectives and different interpretations. Thanks to the power of art to be interpreted differently by each individual, in this environment where everything can be deconstructed, variability was prioritized without presenting a definitive truth.
Were ecological sensitivities taken into account during the exhibition process?
Due to the theme and setup of the exhibition, ecological sensitivities became one of the main issues we focused on. In this direction, we took actions such as preferring digital materials instead of printed materials within the scope of the exhibition promotion, giving place to NGOs that encourage taking action for ecological improvements, evaluating what we have before procuring new materials, ….
What can I do to take action after visiting the exhibition?
While we took action to contribute to the solution of the problems addressed by the Sustainable Development Goals, especially the climate crisis, we included a number of NGOs and organizations on the interaction panel while creating the exhibition to serve as a guide. You can take the first step to take action by taking an active role in these organizations and supporting their work. In addition, we aim to review our daily habits with the dialogue we started with the selection.
Will there be exhibition tours? If it will be organized, how can I participate?
For more detailed information about the guided exhibition tours that will be held on Mondays and Wednesdays every week until the end of the Spring 2022 term and to register, you can visit
What topics will be discussed in the speeches to be held within the scope of the Approach 2030 project?
In the conversations we will hold with the artists in the selection, we will be talking about the subtitles of sustainability on which they are working and the role of art in these works.
Are there any prerequisites to attend the workshops to be organized?
There are no prerequisites or technical skill requirements to attend the workshops. However, in order to ensure the integrity of the process, we expect the participants to have visited the exhibition and participated in the speeches.
I could not participate in the speeches due to my busy schedule. Will I have a chance to watch the recordings later?
We will be making all the recordings of the conversations available to our stakeholders, who could not attend the event, on Youtube. You can access the recordings of the conversation from the link/QR.
What will be produced in the workshops and What will happen to those produced at the end of the process?
A production process based on participatory art principles that focuses on our global problems will be experienced in the workshops. At the end of the workshop, a collectively produced work of art will be produced. It will be added to the co-art co-act selection opened in March and will be exhibited throughout the process.
Where can we find the ÖzüArts bibliography?
You can reach it at
Is there a space where I can share my comments/suggestions about the project and the exhibition?
During the process, you can add your comments and suggestions to the interaction board in the exhibition area and send them to .
Why are there 16 works in the selection although there are 17 SKAs?
17. Collaborations for Goals, which is SDG, was one of the starting points of our project. In addition to our collaborations with other organizations, we also cooperate with various units and communities within the school. We hope that the works that will be produced collectively at the end of the workshops that will take place within the scope of the project will be one of the strongest indicators of these collaborations.