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Safe and accessible housing


828 million

It is estimated that around 828 million people live in slums, and this number continues to rise.

Facts and Figures


Murat Germen

Uni - Art Collection

Print on plexiglass


A manipulation of the panoramic photograph of the city’s silhouette from a level close to the horizon, the work invites the viewer to look at the image of the city from a different perspective. While religious buildings and high-rise buildings owned by capital owners still remain in sight despite the intervention, public spaces such as residences and green areas slowly fade away.  The title of the series, “facsimile”, signals the fact that similar situations exist all around the world.

#righttothecity #righttohousing #conservationofculturalheritage #livablecities #spiritofthecity #gentrification #urbancrimes #accessiblecity #inclusivecity #disabledfriendlycity #resilientcity 

About the Artist:

Using photography as a means of expression and inquiry, Germen focuses on subjects such as the effects of extreme urbanization and gentrification, ownership/expropriation, new forms/devices and methods of imperialism, participatory citizenship, rights to the city, sustainability of local cultures, human destruction of nature, climate change, global warming, and right to water. Cultural heritage, local archiving, documentation as an act of evidence collection, conflicts between individual memory and collective memory, and dynamics between betrayals and relics are some of the concepts that take the central stage in the artist's works.     

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