Facts and Figures

Açık Pano - Unknown Street
Mixed media on foam board
The Public Board was made available within the scope of the approch_nişantepe (2019) project to invite posts about the Nişantepe District, the surrounding neighborhood affected by disadvantages and urban poverty. Over the three months following its launch, the board was collectively created with the contributions of the Özyeğin University stakeholders. The board is made up of basic elements one can observe on the way to Özyeğin University as shown on the map of the District printed on a photo block. The Board, which has become an interactive space that reflects the impressions, thoughts, and feelings of the University's stakeholders about the Neighborhood, is a testament to the University's interest in the reality of inequalities.
#reduceinequalities #urbanpoverty #equalityofopportunity #responsiblemigrationpolicies #thresholds #commons #solidarity #approach
About the Artist:
Collective, Özyeğin Üniversitesi