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Workshop Multidisciplinary Art Workshops

Video Workshop with Elmas Deniz - Synthetic Water
“In the collective video workshop to be held with Elmas Deniz, thinking about the nature-human relationship from an artistic perspective will also be examined and a new perspective will be laid. In the workshop, which will open the different modes of this relationship to discussion, especially with a focus on water, the liberation of art will be carried to the practice of thinking, criticism and multidimensional approach with the participants. In this direction, the experience of thinking and producing with an artist will be at the forefront rather than learning technical knowledge.”
Photography Workshop with Murat Germen - Unifying City
“Cities are now designed as bondage areas to be divisive instead of unifying, to make people totally dependent instead of independent, to collect personal/private data in order to predict people's consumption trends. Surveillance systems have taken over the cities under the pretext of security; Whereas, those who make cities insecure, create environments where insecure and unequal income distribution dominate, and establish security systems as the only solution. The aim of this workshop is to discuss how cities can be transformed into unifying places and to make suggestions by examining existing positive examples.”
Video Workshop with Elmas Deniz - Synthetic Water
“In the collective video workshop to be held with Elmas Deniz, thinking about the nature-human relationship from an artistic perspective will also be examined and a new perspective will be laid. In the workshop, which will open the different modes of this relationship to discussion, especially with a focus on water, the liberation of art will be carried to the practice of thinking, criticism and multidimensional approach with the participants. In this direction, the experience of thinking and producing with an artist will be at the forefront rather than learning technical knowledge.”
Photography Workshop with Murat Germen - Unifying City
“Cities are now designed as bondage areas to be divisive instead of unifying, to make people totally dependent instead of independent, to collect personal/private data in order to predict people's consumption trends. Surveillance systems have taken over the cities under the pretext of security; Whereas, those who make cities insecure, create environments where insecure and unequal income distribution dominate, and establish security systems as the only solution. The aim of this workshop is to discuss how cities can be transformed into unifying places and to make suggestions by examining existing positive examples.”
Sentetik Su
Elmas Deniz, Ayşenur Annaç, Aylin Aydın, Beliz Bayraktar, Nazlı Kısacık Çotur, İlknur Haydaroğlu, Ebru Külünk, İlke Sude Rüzgar, İlke Topaktaş, Pelin Uzun, Hatice Kübra Yücel, Ömer Zorlubilek
Murat Germen ile Fotoğraf Atölyesi - Birleştirici Kent
“Kentler artık birleştirici olmak yerine ayrıştırıcı olmak, insanları bağımsızlaştırmak yerine külliyen bağımlı kılmak, insanların tüketim eğilimlerini öngörebilmek için kişisel / mahrem verileri toplayabilmek üzere esaret alanları olarak tasarlanıyor. Gözetim sistemleri güvenlik bahanesiyle kentleri teslim almış vaziyette; halbuki kentleri güvensiz hale getirenler, güvencesiz ve hakkaniyetsiz gelir dağılımının hakim olduğu ortamları yaratanların ve tek çözüm olarak güvenlik sistemleri kuranların ta kendileri. Bu atölye çalışmasının amacı kentlerin nasıl birleştirici yerler haline dönüştürülebileceğini tartışmak ve mevcut olumlu örnekleri irdeleyerek öneriler getirmektir.”
Birleştirici Kent
Murat Germen, Cansu Akkaya, Mehmet Baççı, Zeynep Efza Bostan, Yusuf Demir, Melike Gezer, Elif Bilge Gürgür, Fatma İnce, Fırat Karakurt, Elif Öztürk, Hakkı Kutluhan Yücel